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Article XIII. Golf Course and Other Nonagricultural Water Service
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It is in the best interest of CVWD and the customer to protect the aquifer in order to ensure the long-term economic health of the region. One way to protect the aquifer is to promote the use of nonpotable water sources such as canal water, recycled water produced by wastewater reclamation plants, or a combination of both, in place of groundwater, for golf course and landscape irrigation.

CVWD has embarked upon a long-term water management plan that encourages the use of alternative nonpotable sources of water, thus protecting valuable groundwater resources for potable uses, such as domestic consumption.

CVWD operates the Coachella Branch of the All American Canal and the Mid-Valley Pipeline and associated distribution pipelines, which serve canal water to golf courses and other nonagricultural water users, as defined herein. Imported canal water may be beneficially used for golf course and/or landscape irrigation in place of groundwater.

Cal. Water Code §§ 32600 through 32603 require the use of nonpotable water source(s), including recycled water, for irrigation of cemeteries, parks, highway landscaped areas, new industrial facilities and golf courses, if a suitable nonpotable water source is available and it is of suitable quality, available at a reasonable cost, and meets all conditions of this chapter and other applicable laws.

Customers desiring to use such nonpotable water provided by CVWD for golf course use at their property shall sign a nonpotable water agreement. Customers’ irrigation water shall be from the following sources in the indicated order of priority and up to the available amounts of each:

A. Recycled water produced by wastewater reclamation plants;

B. Canal water; and

C. Groundwater, to the extent available and subject to the terms of the nonpotable water agreement. (Ord. 1437.4 § 13-1, 2024; Ord. 1437.3 § 13-1, 2023; Ord. 1437.2 § 13-1, 2023; Ord. 1437.1 § 13-1, 2022; Ord. 1437 § 2 (Exh. A § 13-1), 2019)