3.05.140 Water demand offset fee.
A. General. Beginning January 2022, the water demand offset fee is a new stand-alone fee that is replacing one of the previous components of the WSBFC called the supplemental water supply charge. The water demand offset fee will be assessed on all new development and redevelopment projects within the district’s service area.
B. Water Demand Offset Fee. The water demand offset fee is levied for the purpose of funding new nonpotable water projects including converting existing potable water customers to recycled water and/or nonpotable water supplies and conservation programs that free up existing potable groundwater supplies.
The water demand offset unit fee is $1,918 per acre-foot per year (AFY). The total water demand offset fee is calculated solely on the projected annual potable water demands of a development, which excludes fire flow requirements.
Therefore, if a development were to use recycled and/or nonpotable water (canal) for a portion of its nondomestic water demands, the development would see a corresponding reduction in its water demand offset fee, up to a maximum of 60 percent. For residential customers, the water demand offset fee is assessed on a per-meter basis by meter size as shown in Table A-14-3 in Appendix A-14 of this chapter. The three-quarter-inch meter fee of $1,392 is based on an average annual single-family residential demand of 0.7259 AFY multiplied by the unit fee ($1,918/AFY).
For mobile home units equal to 0.67 equivalent dwelling units (EDUs), the water demand offset fee is $933.00 per unit. The fee is based on an average annual demand of 0.4864 AFY multiplied by the unit fee ($1,918/AFY) as shown in Appendix A-14 of this chapter.
For hotel rooms, motel rooms, recreational vehicles and other uses equal to 0.50 EDUs, the water demand offset fee is $696.00 per unit. The fee is based on an average annual demand of 0.3630 AFY multiplied by the unit fee ($1,918/AFY) as shown in Appendix A-14 of this chapter.
For nonresidential developments, the water demand offset fee is assessed based on the total value of the equivalent water unit (EWU) indoor and outdoor components. The EWU (indoor and outdoor components) is multiplied by the residential average annual demand of 0.7259 AFY to get an equivalent average annual demand for the nonresidential development. The water demand offset fee will be charged based on the average annual demand multiplied by the unit fee ($1,918/AFY).
For any other circumstances, the water demand offset fee will be calculated by multiplying the average annual potable water use (AFY) by the unit fee ($1,918/AFY).
C. Payment. The water demand offset fee and other charges as may be required shall be paid prior to the district issuing the first meter to the development. At the discretion of the general manager, the water demand offset fee may be paid at alternative times.
D. Amount. See Appendix A-14 of this chapter.
E. In Lieu of Supplemental Water Supply Charge. Developers shall pay the water demand offset fee in lieu of the supplemental water supply charge for those installation agreements which reference a supplemental water supply charge and were executed prior to January 2022. (Ord. 1399.17 § 4-6, 2024)